Safe Haven Rescue (775) 790-1626, Yerington NV
Safe Haven Rescue (775) 790-1626, Yerington NV
Safe Haven Rescue (775) 790-1626, Yerington NV
Safe Haven Rescue (775) 790-1626, Yerington NV
is a small private 501.c3 organization devoted to the care, socialization and training of at-risk dogs. Safe Haven Rescue Kennel (Safe Haven) is the facility devoted to each dog as an individual, focusing on a peaceful healthy environment for them.
Safe Haven's goal is to enable “unadoptable” or hard to place dogs in learning how to play, socialize and mend from their broken behavioral past, all within their own time frame, regardless of placement prospects. Even the long term or permanent-placement residents enjoy the freedom of a fun and interactive lifestyle.
We believe our dogs regardless of age or behavior should thrive and enjoy a healthy life as though they were in a normal home environment and not homeless. Regardless of finding a home outside of Safe Haven all our dogs are treated as cherished family companions and live in a home environment as best as we can provide them. Due to the nature of niche rescue efforts, some of our dogs are considered less likely to be companion pets due to their unsocial nature, lack of human bonding, severe behavioral issues or medical needs. We provide each dog with the opportunity to trust, heal and start a new life as they are guided through opportunities to thrive again, allowing each dog to reach their highest potential.
Our Focus is rescue, repair, rehabilitation, education and re-homing. Our Vision endeavors to give a comfortable place for decompressing and healing in a spacious healthy environment. Our Goal is to help the "unadoptable” or hard to place dogs in becoming better dogs than they arrived.
The dogs are not warehoused in small areas at Safe Haven. The outdoor housing are provides home-like atmospheres space (from the traditional kennel environment). Dogs are housed in human- style cottages that average 8'x8' with air conditioning and heat - all within large enclosures (averaging 35'x35').
We devote care and attention to each individual dog, focusing on their unique needs, with force- free training to off-leash runs, including socialization activities on and off property. We never pressure a dog to conform into an 'adoptable' dog. We know that each one will settle into the environment in his or her own time. As we remain patient and watch their personalities unfold, they relax into a life surrounded by peace and safety. The 'Concept-to-Reality' Initiative gives them this freedom.
Freedom from hunger and thirst
Freedom from discomfort
Freedom from pain, injury or disease
Freedom to express normal behavior
Freedom from fear and distress
One of our field trips to the river
Run like nobody is watching!
Exercising and having fun at the sand dunes
Safe Haven volunteers include youth to help with school studies and association with science as to support college volunteer credits.
Safe Haven Rescue Kennel
B.A.R.K. Safe Haven Kennel 28 Highway 95A North Yerington, NV 89447