Safe Haven Rescue (775) 790-1626, Yerington NV
Safe Haven Rescue (775) 790-1626, Yerington NV

Safe Haven Rescue (775) 790-1626, Yerington NV
Safe Haven Rescue (775) 790-1626, Yerington NV
Build A Rescue Kennel, Inc. is 501.c3 organization devoted to the care, socialization and training of at-risk dogs. Safe Haven Rescue Kennels (Safe Haven) is the facility devoted to our dogs as an individuals, focusing on the most peaceful, healthy environment for each one of them.
We are a private small Rescue Rehabilitation Center and Sanctuary. The types of dogs rescued are feral or at-risk, under-socialized from kill shelters, breeders turned hoarders or failed sanctuaries. Safe Haven's goal is to help “unadoptable” or hard to place dogs learning how to play, socialize and mend from their broken behavioral past, all within their own time frame, regardless of placement prospects. Even our long term or permanent residents enjoy the freedom of a fun and interactive lifestyle.
Safe Haven Rescue Kennel
B.A.R.K. Safe Haven Kennel 28 Highway 95A North Yerington, NV 89447